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Growing Onions

Growing Onions

Onions are a fantastic addition to any edible garden due to their versatility and health benefits. Here's a quick summary of how to grow this popular allium:

Seeds vs. Sets

  • Onion Seeds: Growing from seeds offers a wider variety and a longer storage life for onions, but it requires more time, as you'll need to start them indoors and care for them as seedlings.
  • Onion Sets: These are small dormant bulbs that quickly grow once planted. Though they offer fewer varieties, they are quicker and easier to grow.

Growing Onions

  • Planting Depth: Onions should be planted shallowly, with most of the bulb above the surface, just covered by about an inch of soil.
  • Soil and Sun Requirements: Onions prefer full sun and rich, well-drained soil; pre-treated with compost and organic fertilizer before planting.
  • Watering: Keep the soil moist, particularly near the surface, to promote healthy growth.

Summer Care and Harvesting

  • In August, reduce watering to allow the onions to dry and finish growing.
  • When the tops of the onions begin to flop over, it's almost time to harvest, which typically occurs within a week.
  • Onions should be cured by laying them out in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, until the leaves are dry and crispy.


  • Store cured onions in a cool, dry place. Braiding them or putting them in mesh bags will help extend their shelf life.

By following these tips, you'll be able to enjoy homegrown onions in your dishes all year long!


An Onion Fact (from

“Onions are high in vitamin C, a good source of fiber, and with only 45 calories per serving, add abundant flavour to a wide variety of food. Onions are sodium, fat, and cholesterol free, and provide a number of other key nutrients!”


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