Proudly BC Owned and Operated for over 40 years.

The Canadian Cancer Society


Since 2010, GARDENWORKS and Meadowlands Horticultural have been teaming up to recognize and support the important work of the Canadian Cancer Society by offering Summer Spirit Baskets for sale. The ENTIRE proceeds from your purchase of this Summer Spirit Hanging Basket goes directly to the Canadian Cancer Society’s BC & Yukon Division.


Colourful 25cm hanging baskets provide a fresh, long lasting summer display of flowering annuals. Available in a variety of flower combinations. (While supplies last).

As the Full Retail Price of each basket sold is donated to the Canadian Cancer Society, the Customer Appreciation Day and/or the GARDENWORKS Rewards member discount cannot be applied to the Summer Spirit Hanging Basket. Thank you for your support and understanding.


The Canadian Cancer Society works tirelessly to save and improve lives. Thanks to their donors and volunteers, they’re able to fund groundbreaking cancer research into all types of cancer, offer support services to help people better manage life with cancer, shape health policies to prevent cancer and support those living with the disease, and offer truste cancer information for all Canadians.


Summer Spirit Baskets are typically available in early-to-mid July every summer while supplies last.

Green Cities Foundation


We love being part of the community and making spaces green in areas that need the love! ​​

Our team hard at work with collaborations with Green Cities Foundation, Paraspace, Steamworks Beer, Canadian Nursery Landscape Association, and BC landscape and Nursery Association!​​

A little about the project: Green Cities Foundation wants to create that future – with you. Together we can #GreenMyCity, one green space at a time. 

What is #GreenMyCity?

It’s a collaboration between donors, volunteers and the Foundation to design and build urban green spaces. ​


To reduce the effects of climate change. To help people breathe. To improve the quality of life in Canadian cities.


For more information about this project, check out their website here:


Hope Is Growing



CiB-Cef and its partners, including the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association, Garden Centres Canada, Scotts Canada, the National Capital Commission, the Canadian Garden Council, Come Alive Outside, Mark & Ben Cullen, and Nutrients for Life are working together to summon everyone to create Hope Gardens for 2021.


Across Canada and beyond, our goal is to see the land awash with gardens featuring yellow, the international colour of hope. Flowers, fruits, shrubs, vegetables - just plant the seeds! From parks to playgrounds, front yards, back yards, balconies, baskets, boulevards, barrels and planters, wherever there’s an empty space, there is room for a plant, and together we can, and we will make this happen!


Most people associate hope with a situation that they wish would end and that they could move past. Desmond Tutu once said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness. Hope whispers that things will get better.” 2020 was a difficult year, and people are ready for positive, peaceful change, and opportunities to bring brightness and light into their lives. The Hope is Growing Campaign is a rallying point that is simple, inclusive, easy and fun with a positive outcome for whoever participates. After all, the garden is where Hope is Growing!


This Spring of 2021, anyone and everyone, including municipalities, organizations, schools, churches, colleges and universities, clubs, businesses, and individuals can participate by planting a Hope Garden. Share photos of your gardens on CiB’s social media platforms with the hashtag #hopeisgrowing. Once you’ve entered your Hope Garden, you will become eligible for national and global recognition for your efforts! You will also receive a downloadable Hope Garden sign and information about hardy plants and growing tips for success.


From sea to sea to sea, people took up gardening in record numbers in 2020. This year, we want to create a yellow sea of Hope Gardens growing wherever one can plant a seed. Join us and be a beacon leading the way to create HOPE across Canada and around the world!

For more information. Check out their website here:


Lions Gate Hospital Foundation

Neighborhood Houses & Local Food Banks