Proudly BC Owned and Operated for over 40 years.


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A specially formulated soil medium for outdoor planters and container gardening.

    •   10 locally owned and operated stores in British Columbia to shop at. View our locations here

    •   Growing gardens in BC since 1990

    GARDENWORKS Planter Box Mix

    Short description

    A specially formulated soil medium for outdoor planters and container gardening.

    •   10 locally owned and operated stores in British Columbia to shop at. View our locations here

    •   Growing gardens in BC since 1990

    GARDENWORKS Planter Box Mix
    GARDENWORKS Planter Box Mix

    A premium blend of sphagnum peat moss, organic compost, soil, pumice and/or perlite.


    • For best results, GARDENWORKS Planter Box Mix is best used when moist. If needed, apply a fine mist of water and turn into the mix to hydrate. 
    • Fill your container with enough Planter Box Mix to bring the finished planting level to about 2cm below the top edge of the container.
    • Create a planting hole just deep enough for the root-ball of the plant you intend to transplant.
    • Place the root-ball into the hole, position the plant as desired, and fill in and around the root-ball with just enough Planter Box Mix to slightly cover the top of the root ball. The plant should be at the same level in its new pot that it was in its existing pot.
    • Lightly press the Planter Box Mix around the root-ball of the plant to firm the plant in its new container. Water thoroughly to eliminate air pockets.


    GARDENWORKS Planter Box Mix is ideal for transplanting seedlings into outdoor containers. After transplanting, monitor plants to ensure they are adapting well to their new environment. An initial application of GARDENWORKS Transplanting Fertilizer 5-15-5 will help reduce transplant shock.

    Fertilize with GARDENWORKS All Purpose Plant Food 20-20-20 or GARDENWORKS Flowering Plant Food 15-30-15 every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season.