Maple leaf Proudly BC Owned and Operated for over 40 years.

GARDENWORKS Bone Meal 2-14-0

Short description

A natural organic source of nutrients ideal for all transplanting & for strong, healthy bulbs.

    •   10 locally owned and operated stores in British Columbia to shop at. View our locations here

    •   Growing gardens in BC since 1990

    GARDENWORKS Bone Meal 2-14-0

    Short description

    A natural organic source of nutrients ideal for all transplanting & for strong, healthy bulbs.

    •   10 locally owned and operated stores in British Columbia to shop at. View our locations here

    •   Growing gardens in BC since 1990

    GARDENWORKS Bone Meal 2-14-0
    GARDENWORKS Bone Meal 2-14-0

    A natural organic source of nutrients ideal for all transplanting & for strong, healthy bulbs.


    • Use as part of a complete GARDENWORKS fertilizer program.
    • Recommended for use in the fall & spring when planting bulbs, supplemented by an equal amount of GARDENWORKS Bulb Food.
    • Use Bone Meal at least twice a year around the base of roses, perennials, and shrubs.



    • Before planting, Bone Meal can be spread over the entire planting area, using 2kg per 10m2, or in individual planting holes using one small handful (30g) per hole. Cover with 2.5cm of soil before adding bulbs
    • Plant bulbs with pointed ends up. Refer to the bulb planting instructions for correct depth and distance apart.
    • Use Bone Meal once early each spring for feeding established bulbs. Spread 2kg per 10 m2 and incorporate lightly into the soil. Water thoroughly.


    • When planting (or transplanting) plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, etc., apply Bone Meal to the soil and mix it thoroughly into the top 10cm (4”) of soil.
    • PREPARED BEDS - Measure plant bed area (length x width = area) and apply Bone Meal at 2kg per 10m2.
    • INDIVIDUAL PLANTS - Use 30g (1 small handful) for small plants and up to 60g (1 large handful) for larger plants. Add the correct GARDENWORKS transplanting fertilizer and water well.