Proudly BC Owned and Operated for over 40 years.

GARDENWORKS All Purpose Plant Food 6-8-6

Short description

Excellent, organic base nutrition for all western canadian gardening with a specially balanced formula for year-round growing.

    •   10 locally owned and operated stores in British Columbia to shop at. View our locations here

    •   Growing gardens in BC since 1990

    GARDENWORKS All Purpose Plant Food 6-8-6

    Short description

    Excellent, organic base nutrition for all western canadian gardening with a specially balanced formula for year-round growing.

    •   10 locally owned and operated stores in British Columbia to shop at. View our locations here

    •   Growing gardens in BC since 1990

    GARDENWORKS All Purpose Plant Food 6-8-6
    GARDENWORKS All Purpose Plant Food 6-8-6
    • An excellent, well-balanced fertilizer, rich in natural organic nutrients for year-round growing.
    • Organic matter is very important in providing a conducive environment and the necessary nutrients for the natural microbial activity in the soil.
    • The organic content breaks down slowly over time reducing the potential to burn plant roots, while producing long-term nutrient feeding. Organic matter also enhances the water & nutrient holding capacity of the soil.
    • This unique formulation results in long-term feeding which produces optimum results for abundant and beautiful flowers, vegetables and fruit, as well as green, healthy lawns & shrubs.



    • Apply when lawn is dry.
    • Spread fertilizer evenly using a drop (gravity) or broadcast spreader, at a rate of 2kg per 20 m2. Water in thoroughly.
    • For a lush, green lawn all year round, apply in spring, mid-summer & early fall. Use as part of a complete lawn feeding program. 


    • All Purpose Plant Food is ideal for all sizes and types of plants including flowers, vegetables & shrubs.


    • Prepare soil well. Add manure, compost or peat moss to increase organic content.
    • Apply 6-8-6 at a rate of 2kg per 13m2 using a drop (gravity) spreader or by hand.
    • Work well into top 10-15cm of soil & water in thoroughly.


    • Place 1 small handful (30g) of 6-8-6 around base of plant, about 15cm from stem.
    • Cultivate into the soil carefully & water well.
    • Repeat applications every 6-8 weeks.


    • For berries & fruit trees, apply 6-8-6 in early spring when plants first show signs of growth.
    • Apply at a rate of 1kg per 40m of row and spread evenly along entire length of row.
    • Work gently into top 5cm of soil, 10-15cm away from the stems, and water well.


    • 6-8-6 All Purpose Plant Food is also excellent for your perennial garden, giving your plants a complete, balanced feeding.